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Advocacy Events

UNC is proud to partner with Aims Community College, the City of Greeley, Greeley Area Chamber of Commerce, and Greeley-Evans School District 6 to host a series of advocacy and policy events each year.

Legislative Preview

Preview of the upcoming General Assembly Session, including the most pressing issues in education, business, and the communities of northern Colorado. 

Greeley Day at the Capitol

Opportunity to promote the City of Greeley and Greeley institutions with state elected officials. Also held in partnership with the Greeley Downtown Development Authority. 

Legislative Wrap-Up

Review of the bills passed and policy issues discussed during the Colorado legislative session from the viewpoint of northern Colorado business, education, and community interests. 

People sitting in the chamber of commerce audience.
Aerial view of the Colorado State Capital chamber of commerce.
Man addressing the audience.
Colorado Governor Polis presenting to the audience.
County Commissioner in Weld County, Perry Buck presenting to the audience.
People sitting in the chamber of commerce audience.
Aerial view of the Colorado State Capital chamber of commerce.

Past Events

Greeley Day

Legislative Wrap-Up